Friday, September 9, 2011

Properties of Water(Lab)

Part A:Pennies
Using pennies and a dropper me and my group (Taylor, Levi) competed to   see who could place the most drops on the penny with out it spilling. As we we each took a turn with Levi being first followed by taylor than me last. IT was interesting to watch that as we added more drops to the penny the bigger the dome got. We than did the same experiment but this time we used alcohol. You really couldn't tell the two apart aside from the smell. As we did the experiment we recorded in a table the results of the experiment , with me and Taylor tying with 47 drops for first with the water and Taylor won the one with alcohol with 34 while I got 21 and Levi got 31. The amazing thing was as the more drops we put on the penny the bigger it got and it looked like the top half of a dome.

Analysis Questions
1.What property of water is being evaluated with this experiment? Why did you get the results that you observed?

The water molecules held themselves together because water molecules are strong.

2.Regarding living organisms, how might this property of water be important.

This showed that the water molecules in our body can keep expanding till it explodes.

Part B:Wax Paper
Once finished with part a pennies we than moved on to part by putting water drops with a dropper on wax paper. We were than asked to describe its shape and to try cutting it in half with a toothpick. The snap was that of the top part of a dome. When we tried to cut it in half with the toothpick the sphere expand and surrounded the toothpick. the drop didn't break apart it stood whole. Just for fun we also moved the drop around on the wax paper. It stood together and just rolled around like a cat playing with yarn.

 Analysis Questions
1.What Property of water is being evaluated with this experiment?
The property of water we saw was the a strong hydrogen bond since it still had its full shape.

2.Would it matter if you placed the droplet of water on notebook paper, as opposed to wax paper. Why or Why not?

If you were to place a droplet of water on notebook paper, as opposed to wax yes it would matter. Instead of holding it shape and just moving around, the water would be absorbed into the paper. It would then expand outwards.

Part C:Stringing You Along
After the first two experiment this next one turned out to be the funnest and it was fascinating to watch. Me, Taylor, and Levi grabbed to beakers and a long piece of string. the objective was to pour the water down the string from the beaker a to beaker b . At first it seemed to be difficult but after thinking Levi suggested that we wet the string first before we poured the water. This way Cohesion happened since water is attracted to other water. But this would also be Adhesion because the water was also attracted to the string. Placing beaker b on the floor we first used a dropper to pour the water onto the string. We placed the string at an angle so that the water would slide down. It worked but was slow so we decided to change tactics. We got another piece of string and this time with levi standing on a chair he put the end of the string inside and tipped beaker a over slowly. This way turned out o be faster and the water traveled down into beaker b.

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