Monday, December 12, 2011

Enzyme Yeast Reaction Lab

For the last week in biology we have done three different tests using H2O(water), H2O2(peroxide), and Yeast.

Our first experiment was using four test tubes we had to put 3ml of water and peroxide in each. Than we had to add the yeast using a dropper. For each test tube we had to increase the amount of yeast. We were to record the data of the reaction using a device that we hooked up to the computer. Below are the steps for the experiment.


  1. In four test tubes put 3ml of both water and peroxide
  2. Connect the data gathering device to your computer and open Logger Pro
  3. Create a data table with it saying test tube label and Slope (kPa/min)
  4. Using a dropper put 20 drops of yeast in test tube one
  5. Stirring the solution together you than take the pressure cork and out it on the test tube
  6. Hit the record button in Logger Pro and let it collect the pressure data for three minutes
  7. After three minutes hit the liner fit button to get the slope of the pressure (kPa/min)
  8. In a data table record the slope where it says test tube one or 20 drops depending on how you labeled it
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 on each test tube increase the number of drops by ten until you get to 50
  10. Once data is collect create a graph like mine below

    1. Graph 1 explanation:
      On the left side of the graph (y-axis) we labeled it slope and we labeled the bottom of the graph Number of yeast drops. In the lab we explained that you had to change the number of drops of yeast. As you can see we increased our drops by ten every time. The slope seemed to increase every time the drop increased. So to me and my partners, this data shows that the more drops you place into the test tubes the steeper the slope becomes.

  11. Heres the website I used to make the graph

    Once we graphed the data from the first experiment we did a second one. The base was still the same 3ml of water and peroxide in four tubes, But the change is that we are using temperature. For all four tubes we put them in four different temperatures, Cold, Room Temp., Warm, and Hot. taking the first tube cold we put 50 drops of yeast and connected it to the data gathering device from the previous experiments.


    1. Take four test tubes and place 3ml of water and peroxide in each
    2. Then take each test tube and put one in cold water, at room temp, one in warm water, and one in hot water.
    3. after a few minutes take the cold one out and add 50 drops of yeast
    4. once added connect the data collecting cork that is connected to the computer and collect the data for three minutes
    5. at the end of three minutes press the linar fit button and record the slope in the data table.
    6. You will repeat steps 1-5 for each test tube

    Graph 2:
    The left side of our graph (y-axis), once again, shows the slope and our x-axis ( bottom of graph) shows Temperature in Celsius. From the last graph we used 50 drops for all the test tubes. If we didn't the data wouldn't match. This graph shows the slopes after we placed them in different temperatures. 0-5 is cold, 20-25 is room temperature, 30-35 is warm and 50-55 is HOT!! We noticed that the room temperature water had the highest slope. In my own thoughts I figured hot would have the highest. As you can see the slope started to decrease once it got to the warm water! 

    For the final experiment we will put the same amount of water and peroxide in three tubes. We than added pH level of 4, 7, and 10. After connecting the tube to the data collecting device we made a graph.


    1. Taking three test tube you will put 3ml of water and peroxide in each 
    2. Take one test tube and add pH 4(pink) to it. 
    3. then after mixing them connect the tube to the data collecting device
    4. For the second tube instead of pH level 4 you will put pH level 7(yellow) in
    5. repeat steps 2 and 3
    6. for the final tube put in pH level 10(blue)
    7. repeat steps 2 and 3

    Graph 3:
    As said before our left side (y-axis) is the slope. Our x-axis (bottom part of graph) is the pH levels. We had pH level 4, pH level 7, and pH level 10. Like in the last experiment we also used 50 drops of yeast for this experiment. The data ended as I expected. The higher the pH level the steeper the slope. As you can see pH level 4 has the lowest slope and pH level 10 has the highest slope. 

    With this data graph I think that it shows that at room temp. yeast will have a higher reaction. But following that would be warm, hot, and than cold with the least reaction.

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