Friday, February 10, 2012

Independent Assortment Webquest

Go through questions 1-9 of the tutorial. If you answer any question incorrectly, review the tutorial material and try again.

When you have completed this much of the tutorial, answer the questions below:

1. What type of gametes will be produced by a plant of genotype AaBb?
            a. The type of gametes that will be produced by a plant of genotype AaBb is AB,Ab,ab, and aB

2. What type of gametes will be produced by a plant of genotype aabb?
            a.the type of gametes that will be produced by a plant of genotype aabb would be ab.

3. List all the genotypes you would find among the offspring of an AaBb x aabb test cross.

4. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring of an AaBb x aabb test cross?

5. List all possible gametes from a trihybrid individual whose genotype is RrSsTt.

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